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Diaz-Flores L, Gutierrez R, Gonzalez-Gomez M, Garcia MDP, Carrasco-Juan JL, Martin-Vasallo P, Madrid JF, Diaz-Flores L Jr. Phenomena of Intussusceptive Angiogenesis and Intussusceptive Lymphangiogenesis in Blood and Lymphatic Vessel Tumors. Biomedicines. 2024 Jan 23;12(2):258. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines12020258. PubMed PMID: 38397861; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10887293.
AÑO: 2024; IF: 4.7
Diaz-Flores L, Gutierrez R, Gonzalez-Gomez M, Garcia MDP, Palmas M, Carrasco JL, Madrid JF, Diaz-Flores L Jr. Delimiting CD34+ Stromal Cells/Telocytes Are Resident Mesenchymal Cells That Participate in Neovessel Formation in Skin Kaposi Sarcoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb 14;24(4):3793. doi: 10.3390/ijms24043793. PubMed PMID: 36835203; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9962853.
AÑO: 2023; IF: 5.6
Diaz-Flores L, Gutierrez R, Gonzalez-Gomez M, Garcia MDP, Carrasco JL, Madrid JF, Diaz-Flores L Jr. Telocytes/CD34+ Stromal Cells in the Normal, Hyperplastic, and Adenomatous Human Parathyroid Glands. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jul 28;24(15):12118. doi: 10.3390/ijms241512118. PubMed PMID: 37569493; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10419317.
AÑO: 2023; IF: 5.6
Diaz-Flores L, Gutierrez R, Pino Garcia M, Gonzalez-Gomez M, Diaz-Flores L Jr, Carrasco JL, Madrid JF, Alvarez-Arguelles H. Intussusceptive angiogenesis facilitated by microthrombosis has an important example in angiolipoma. An ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study. Histol Histopathol. 2023 Jan;38(1):29-46. doi: 10.14670/HH-18-488. Epub 2022 Jul 1. PubMed PMID: 35775452.
AÑO: 2023; IF: 2.0
Bizkarguenaga M, Gomez-Santos L, Madrid JF, Saez FJ, Alonso E. Zona Pellucida sperm-binding protein 3 receptor distribution during Gopc-/- globozoospermic spermatogenesis. Microsc Res Tech. 2022 Apr;85(4):1454-1464. doi: 10.1002/jemt.24009. Epub 2021 Dec 6. PubMed PMID: 34870349.
AÑO: 2022; IF: 2.5

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